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Banana Peanut Butter Flapjacks


A lovely healthy, guilt free alternative to a flapjack. Tastes a bit like a banana bread but has all the goodness of the oats you’d find in a flapjack. They make a great breakfast alternative and also a great snack for the mid afternoon energy slump. Wheat and dairy too.


– Makes 16

2 mashed bananas – the riper the better as easier to mash and sweeter

2 cups oats

1 tbsp dessicated coconut

1 tbsp pumpkin seeds

1 tbsp raisins

1 tbsp chopped walnuts

1 tbsp ground flaxseed

6/7 apricots chopped

1 tbsp peanut butter

1 tbsp maple syrup – add 1 tbsp  more if you like them sweeter

200ml oat milk



Heat oven to 140

Mash the bananas in a large bowl.

Add the oats and other dry ingredients to the bananas, stir and combine.

Add the peanut butter along with the maple syrup, give it a good mix now.

Finally, add the oat milk till you have a thick consistency.

Grease a small baking tray with coconut oil and transfer the mix to the baking tray. Press the mixture down very firmly with the back of your hand, or the bottom of a clean mug.

Cook for about 25 – 30 minutes till the edges have started to turn golden brown and the mixture is quite springy to the touch. Cook for few more minutes if you feel it needs longer.

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